OH staff, parents speak at school board meeting

The OH community is very concerned about the race and equity issues created by the proposed boundaries for the Cedar Park building, scheduled to be open in 2017 as a neighborhood school.

Last night OH staff and families gave public testimony at the Seattle School Board meeting sharing concerns about the proposed boundary for the Cedar Park building.

After the public testimony, the school board directors each have an opportunity to share some comments and/or responses to the public testimony.   During the board comments, directors Peaslee, Peters and Carr all expressed support for addressing the equity concerns we raised.  Hopefully they can bring up the issues with school district staff for discussion soon.

For reference, the maps we presented to the board are included here, as well as the Proposed Board Motion for adjusting the boundaries.

North_End_ELL_with CP (2) CP_boundary_overlay_with_Heat_map (2)

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