Guest speakers at December 8 PTA meeting

The Hot Social Event of December is happening Thursday, December 8, in the Cedar Park cafeteria! Join the OH PTA where we’ll hear from the Fostering Together and Children’s Administration organizations. There is a need in our community for short term, emergency living arrangements for students who go to our school. This is something we, OH families, can provide outside of standard foster care. If we can minimize instability for these kids and keep them in their school community, LET’S DO IT.

Also, our very own Eileen Barracoso will introduce RULER and how parents can use the mood meter at home. Brief updates about upcoming PTA events as well.

Thinking these are some pretty interesting topics and you’d sure like to learn more, but wondering how in the world you’ll manage a dinnertime meeting with the kids? We’ve got you covered with our POTLUCK DINNER (5:30-6, please bring a main or side dish to share) and then [gasp] FREE CHILDCARE from 6-7pm during the meeting. Spanish Interpreter provided as well. Hope to see you there!

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