First PTA meeting of the year

Hey OH Families! The first PTA meeting of the new school year is THIS THURSDAY, September 22, 6-7:30. In case you need a little convincing, here are the Top Five Reasons The PTA Meeting Is An Excellent Way To Spend Your Thursday Evening:

1. Adult conversation over dinner! Our PTA meetings kick off with potluck dinner from 6 to 6:30.

2. Wishing you knew a few other OH parents? At the first meeting EVERYONE is new. You’ll fit right in!

3. Overwhelmed by all the papers that came home the first week of school? Our first speaker is Acting Principal Stacy Crum who will give you the lowdown on everything Olympic Hills.

4. Overwhelmed by volunteer opportunities? We’ll make it all clear! We’ll have tables and information and people who can answer all your questions. Not ready? No pressure!

5. Did we mention childcare? WE PROVIDE FREE CHILDCARE. I mean, that’s all you really need to know right there.

Hope we see you there!



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